Thursday, February 10, 2011

Roller Coaster: Kumba


Location: Busch Gardens, Tampa.
Classifications: Steel, flipper, floor.
Intensity Rating: 3.5/5 Screams
Quality Rating: 2.5/5 Stars

"Kumba," which means "roar" in Kongo, is a coaster that I had heard plenty of things about, all of which were good. Needless to say, I had high expectations for Kumba. Just looking at it, I could see that it was built with high expectations in mind, especially when the train goes through the interlocking corkscrews and the cobra roll under the bridge. On the day I went, there was quite literally no line, so I eagerly ran over to Kumba and climbed on board.

I should have been warned by the empty line. To say that I was disappointed with Kumba is like saying that I'm upset that there's garlic in my Ceaser salad. The signs are all there; you just have to pay attention.

Anyway, I found Kumba to be quite boring. The initial drop was all right, but after that, it was standard coaster fare. Not even going through the corkscrews and cobra rolls made much of a difference. I felt little; I didn't understand the appeal. The only thing I liked about it was that it was a smooth ride; Kumba didn't bang my head around like I thought it would.

The word of warning is this: If you see an empty line for a ride, and you have never been on that ride before, don't go on it. If you do, you might end up finding out that the ride, like Kumba, is all roar and no substance.

My suggestion: Get back in line for Sheikra. (Review coming soon)

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